I've been busy painting three new Cornish Pixie Elves one is a bit different to my usual style but it was nice to paint. So I painted two small Pixie elves in some new matt paint (I got some more matt chalk paints and shimmery paints) and the other is a larger pixie as I needed the larger size for the decoration.
Green Spots |
The green chalk paint is a really nice fresh colour and I really like it. The yellow in the bottle it looks like a clotted cream colour, but it dried to a pale ochre yellow. I teamed it up with a creamy felt hat at first I really wasn't sure but I have to admit I really like the more rustic look of the yellow.
Yellow Spots |
I'm working on some new lines and I'm busy with some mixed media work amongst some other ideas. The mixed media work has been mainly painting whimsical girls in water colour and acrylic. As I wasn't sure what to paint I ended up painting one of my whimsical girls onto the larger Pixie Elf.
Whimsical Girl |
All three of these will be available in my Etsy Shop over the next week and you may find them popping up on Facebook. I will also try to get the Mermaid canvases I have partially painted finished and then photographed ready to show you. And I'll be looking at retiring some of the Pixie Elves in the next few months as well as think about Halloween and Christmas Dolls and Pixie Elves.