I decided to have a bit of break for a couple of weeks mainly as it was the easter school holidays and last week we painted our kitchen. The kitchen has been bothering me for a while, its got cluttered and looked a bit tired. I would have loved to have new units but I think that will happen when I either win the lottery or when the kids move out. So I suggested we repaint it, naturally choosing a colour was the next problem we did agree on a green colour but which green, eventually we decided on a dusky grey green. It took about a day and a half and it looks so much nicer and refreshed.

I decided that I would only keep a few key pieces like on top of my dresser I have my cake stands and two vintage tins. The tins have a lot of memories for me as they were my Gran's, they are a Cornish Fairing biscuit tin and a Cornish Butterdrop tin. My Gran used to keep Rich Tea in the biscuit tin and the other tin was very special as she would keep sweets in there and we were allowed one before we left Grans after visiting or on our way to school.

So this week it was back to work for me and as I had recently sold my last doll. I decided to make a standing doll this time, this doll doesn't have and armature in the legs and has a bit of strong card in the boots / shoes to help it stand, though I think next time I may add the armature to give her a bit more stability.Naming her was the most difficult part I did have a name for the doll all the way through making her but by the end it wasn't right and then I had another name but again I wasn't happy with it. Luckily a lovely friend on facebook suggested Ruby on one of the work in progress photos I post on my page. Well that got me and my chief quality tester (my daughter) running through names this morning and we finally decided on Scarlet.
She's a lovely doll and I did have to wrestle her back off my daughter as she really wanted to keep her, Scarlet is available on
Etsy now.
There may be a new doll next week as I'm waiting for a mermaid and fairy patterns to arrive along with some lace.
Until next time
Vic xx